Learn More About Life Insurance 

Signing up for life insurance is a significant decision, and the process can be challenging at times. You want to make sure you sign up for a policy that meets your needs and doesn’t break the bank. Luckily, our team TWFG Insurance Services is here to help you every step of the way. Learn more about the four things you need to know before signing up for insurance and get started today!

Image of two older people holding hands, smiling, and looking out the window.

Who Classifies As a Beneficiary

Before signing up for health or life insurance, it’s important to understand who classifies as a beneficiary. A beneficiary is someone who is selected to receive benefits from a life insurance policy upon the policy holder’s death. Your beneficiary does not have to be someone who is financially dependent on you. You can name multiple people as a beneficiary. 

Image of a man talking to a doctor over a tablet

How to Calculate Total Expenses and Coverage Needs

When calculating coverage needs, don’t forget to factor in ongoing expenses such as your mortgage, daycare, tuition, etc. You should also consider long-term goals, such as college savings or retirement. 

Image of a blue and silver stethoscope sitting on top of a calendar.

What Is and Isn’t Covered 

There are certain incidents and accidents that life insurance policies do not cover. Before signing up for your life insurance, be sure to do your research and ask your insurance agent to explain what kinds of events are covered, and which are not. 

What Type of Insurance You Need 

There are two main types of life insurance, which include  term life insurance and whole life insurance. Before signing up for your policy, it’s important to evaluate which one most closely meets your needs. Consider how much insurance you need, your financial limitations, the time period for which you need life insurance, etc. 

Get Started With TWFG Insurance Services Today 

We know that selecting a health or life insurance policy can be tough, and that’s why our team of professionals is here to help you every step of the way! Reach out to TWFG Insurance Services to learn more about our types of insurance or to schedule an appointment with us in Pflugerville today!