Restaurant Insurance

TWFG Services Restaurant Insurance – compare and save

If you own and operate a food service business, you understand the risks of running such an operation. Whether you have a food truck, deli, or full-scale restaurant, you have invested your heart and soul into your business. You will want to protect your investment with property and liability insurance coverage. As a business owner, your policy will cover any real estate the business owns. If you are a renter, your policy will cover any improvements or betterments that you invested. This can include physical alterations as well as cosmetic features such as fixtures. Your policy also covers your equipment, dishes, and food. Your restaurant business policy may include both business income insurance and business interruption insurance. Income insurance is designed to pay for ongoing expenses while you are unable to operate your business. Business interruption insurance pays for costs incurred by the loss; for example, if you have to relocate your business temporarily this insurance would cover the rental costs. If your policy does not include these coverages, you can likely add them for an increase in your premium payment. As a business that handles and serves food, there is the risk of food poisoning or other diseases being transmitted in your products. You can usually add an endorsement to your policy to insure you against such instances. If your business is halted or otherwise incurs a loss of income because of a contamination event, your policy will cover lost income and other expenses.

As you can see, there are many factors to consider when selecting and purchasing a policy for your food business. If you server liquor, you will need liquor liability insurance; this coverage protects your business against loss or damages claimed as a result of a patron of your business becoming intoxicated and injuring himself or others.. Other useful coverages to consider include coverage for spoilage, equipment failure, burglary/robbery, and business vehicle insurance. Your business insurance will also cover liability issues. These risks, such as patrons slipping or falling, are part of any business situation and you need protection. The amount you are covered for will depend upon your personal budget and business situation, but it is almost always best to err on the side of too much rather than too little. Remember, insurance is part of the financial plans of your business and you need to protect your investment and livelihood.

TWFG Services Restaurant Insurance – understandable and affordable

As you can see, restaurant and food service insurance is a specialized area of insurance. There are many factors to consider and each situation demands personal attention. At TWFG, we are committed to providing our clients with the information necessary to make the best choices. TWFG Services can also help you with a myriad of other insurance needs such as health insurance quotes, the best car insurance, or getting you the lowest long term care insurance quote. Visit with us today to start protecting your business and enjoying the comfort of a proper insurance policy.


The Proof Is In The Policy Holder